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How to Treat Adult Acne

Suffering from Adult Acne? Read our comprehensive guide on how to prevent and treat acne for adults. Includes tips on nutrition, skin treatment, daily skin routines and more!

Update: Safe Medical Cosmetic Surgery

Safety has always been the cornerstone of all procedures performed at Dr Robert Goldman. We provide insight on safety practices and regulation within the cosmetic surgery industry.


Breastfeeding & Breast Surgery

Many prospective moms have questions regarding breastfeeding and the impact of breast surgery. We cover some of the common questions asked and provide advice/knowledge from years worth of experience!

Upper Abdominal Lift Perth

Labiaplasty: The What, Why & How

Labiaplasty has rapidly become one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures in the world. We look at the what the procedure actually does with tips and advice from a professional surgeon’s perspective.