
The website www.robertgoldman.com.au, the Facebook Page ( facebook/drrobertgoldman) and any associated social media pertaining to the medical practice of Dr Robert Goldman is furnished for general information purposes only. The said information published on the aforementioned website and associated links , does not take into account the personal medical history and personal circumstances of each individual patient .The information is not intended to be a substitute for ,and cannot replace the advice obtained in a professional consultation with a Plastic/Cosmetic Surgeon. Any treatment of an invasive nature carries significant risks and it is incumbent upon each and every patient to consider all options available carefully ,including alternative methods of treatment, risks and the possible complications of procedures and even seeking a further opinion from a second Plastic/Cosmetic Surgeon.

Any images and photographs are of a general nature and cannot be intended to represent results that every patient can expect. Dr Robert Goldman does not guarantee specific surgical results. Good results are sought but do not always eventuate. Outcomes of treatment differ between patients undergoing the same surgical procedure or treatment.

Whilst Dr Robert Goldman regularly reviews the accuracy of the information provided and updates same as circumstances permit ,it is important to note that plastic and

cosmetic surgery is a complicated and rapidly changing field; methods of diagnosis and treatment evolve as new information and techniques become available. As such, the information furnished on the website and related entities may not reflect the current views of Dr Robert Goldman.

Dr Robert Goldman does not guarantee and accepts no responsibility whatsoever from, or connected to, the accuracy ,reliability or completeness of any material contained in the website or any linked site.


The subject matter on and accessible from the website and associated links is copyright. Dr Robert Goldman grants visitors to the website and associated links permission to download and display its copyright material for private purposes only. For reproduction or use of the website or associated links beyond such uses, permission must be sought from Dr Robert Goldman. If permission is granted , it must be on the basis that that the copyright of Dr Robert Goldman is acknowledged when the material is reproduced or quoted in whole or in part.


Dr Robert Goldman recognises the importance of privacy and confidentiality protection for all patients and those that visit the website and associated links of the medical practice. Under law ,the patients’ rights to privacy are protected . The National Privacy Principles ,the Privacy Act and general law place strict requirements on the confidentiality aspect that must be adhered to in these circumstances.

Information collected from the patient is kept secure and may only be shared with Dr Robert Goldman , the staff of the practice for medical purposes only , to Medicare and private health funds , for billing and medical rebate purposes and the patient’s general practitioner/specialist .A patient has a right to access their information and if necessary, to make amendments to same.

A detailed copy of the privacy policy is available upon request

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